Sunday, August 24, 2008

Down & Out

Been down and out for three whole days with stomach flu and fever. Had stool exam and CBC counts done and all yielded normal results. Thank God! Now, my 3rd day, I'm feeling better although there are temporary and occasional bouts of weakness and wooziness emanating from my joints or my intestines!!! But overall, I think I'll live! :)

Just came from watching Cinderella in CCP with Boydee and Mommy Nonie. The rest of the Dizon clan watched ahead of us but since Mommy Nonie was watching today with Marissa and Elvira, we decided to accompany her.

Cinderella has always been MY favorite fairy tale of all. Somehow, when I was a child, I was enamored by the thought of being swept off my feet by a Prince. When Boydee and I were just in that sweety-sweety stage, I gave him a Cinderella book with the dedication that went: Here's hoping and praying we are each other's missing pieces and that we're both holding on to our glass slippers - hoping and praying they're the right fit! Fast forward to today, and guess what! The glass slippers still fit smugly!!! :) Now back to the play!

Save for the poor vents of the CCP Theater which were aimed directly at my newly healed head, I enjoyed the show. Nevermind if Lea Salonga was way too short for Prince Chris or was the Prince too tall for Lea (as in their song: Are you wonderful because I love you OR do I love you because you're wonderful); nevermind if Lea's wig needed much improvement; nevermind if I already know the story by heart and not one song sounded at all familiar.

The props were wonderful, the cast save for the major ones were exceptional, the stage was magical. The lighting was awesome, too! During the curtain call, everyone gave Lea a standing ovation. I got teary eyed. My heart swelled with pride as I watched her graciously receive the applause. I was so proud that she's one of our own... a true blue Filipina!

Congratulations to Bobby Garcia, the director, and the entire cast and crew of Cinderella. Hope you wow'em all over Asia!

1 comment:

Rona said...

Beautifully written as always, Bang! :)