Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Looong Day...

Yesterday was Doctors day for me and our 2nd baby in the morning and for Bric in the afternoon. Much as I am very, very grateful to Doctors; visiting them is a bit stressful. Not only is the waiting time long, you also know that you're going there because something is wrong. I am just so glad that I have a very supportive, loving and strong husband with me.

The morning saw us going to Dr. Ma. Estrella Yu-Flores, a perinatologist in Capitol Medical Center with my ob-gyne, Dr. Mitch, who went out of her way to accompany us. Dr. Flores was very motherly and seemed to know what she was talking about it. Although we pretty much knew what was happening already through research in the internet, it still helped that an expert was talking to us up front. But what she gave us that was most important was hope. She said an amniotic level of 2cm based on SPV (single pocket value?) is borderline low but still acceptable for her, meaning there is still a chance the baby will survive. She advised me to drink at least 3-4 liters of water a day and lots of rest. We will do a repeat ultrasound on Tuesday to find out if my water increases enough for us to do a congenital anomaly scan. From there, we can determine whether our baby's kidneys are functioning or whether there is an obstruction in the ureter. If it is discovered that it is a congenital defect that's causing the oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid), then we wait til our baby surrenders. If not, we do careful monitoring until I reach my 7th month. Then see, if I can reach 9 months so that we can bring baby out.

I have surrendered our 2nd baby to God to do as He pleases. We will do all means possible to save him/her but if it is not meant to be, or if he will just suffer and not live a normal life, then we pray that God take him peacefully and without suffering. I know God has His reasons. Lord, our baby is all yours. Just guide us as to what decisions to take.

In the afternoon was Bric's doctor time. He was having diarrhea last Thursday, vomitting on Friday, rashes on Friday night and had no appetite. His weight dropped from 11.5kg to 10kg in a span of 3 days. It was very alarming. Tita Doc Jamie Agbayani asked for a stool exam to find out what's causing the diarrhea. If it was viral, it should go away in 3 days and he should be well in 5 days. If it was bacterial, then a more complicated treatment would be required than just hydrite and a lugaw-apples-banana latundan diet.

At 5:15pm, we tried to feed him supper and hydrite. He covered his mouth with his hand and wouldn't open his mouth. If we forced the lugaw in, he would spit it out. If I were more transparent, I would have been so hysterical. Why wasn't my baby eating???

Manang Linda suggested to have him "patawas" (not sure what the english translation of this word is - it's kinda related to quackery). We called Randy Kalbo whose neighbor was a 'mangtatawas'. He said Bric had a sprain on his hip and needed to be massaged. We asked him to come. Right after the call, Bric's appetite came back, and after his 'hilot', he went about sleeping so soundly. This morning, he's feeling better and his appetite's improving. I believe he's on the road to recovery. We also had his stool exam last night and it suggested a viral infection which means it should go away after 3 days which was yesterday. Is it science or quackery that healed him? Regardless, I am grateful that our baby is getting better.

All throughout these two ordeals, my heart has sunk many times and sometimes, I do not know what to think, what to pray for. I only lift everything to God and trust He will never leave us alone. I am also very thankful that I have so much love surrounding us - Boydee and I - through our families. We are consoled that our prayers are multiplied many times because our families and friends are praying for us. They cushion whatever blows come our way.

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