Saturday, September 22, 2007


It's been weeks since Ate, Japa and their kids moved in with us in La Vista. Their house is undergoing a major renovation, and I hope it will still be some time before the house gets fixed. Hehehe.... It's just more fun with more 'housemates' here in this huuuge house; moreso, with family housemates of brothers and sisters.

Bric's morning ritual includes an additional stop in the Gavino's Family Room. After waking Lolo Boy and Mamalyn up and greeting them good morning (more like a uh, ah), Bric and yaya go visit the morning family. It's just great that the Gavinos are morning persons. They're up at about the same time Bric is up. As for me and Boydee, well, let's just say we're more like owls. Awake at night, sleepy during the day, well, at least for the early part of the day. We usually wake up at around 9am. So, Bric has bonding time with his cousins who just love the youngest addition among their cousins. Raegan, Rogan and Raine know how to make Bric laugh, not that it takes a lot to do that. Even Ranger plays with Bric sometimes. Bric has gotten attached to Ate Rona and Japa, always making sure they make him pansin whenever they're around.

It wasn't a few years back when Rondic, Lai and their brood were also here. Those were fun times too, with usually midnight snacks at almost every weekend. Reese would be a frequent visitor then.

I just love it when our brotherhood and sisterhood are here. It just makes the house more 'homey' and meal times more 'alive'. So, to the workers doing the Gavino house, take your sweet time.... but don't up the labor and price! Hehehe.... As for the Gavinos, we LOVE having you here!!!

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